Thursday 11 October 2012

The Beginning...

Evening/morning/afternoon... To all who happen to stumble across this blog! As the name describes, this is The Great Fitness Experiment!! 
What does that mean, I hear you ask. Read along, join me on my 'journey', and you shall find out...

My name is Erin, and I'm 24 years old, as of the 14th of October. 
I still live at home (don't hate!) and have a fur baby of my very own, Max
I am... *sigh*... A lifetime student. Or so it feels that way. It's taken me approximately 7 years to decide on the course of my life, and I feel like I have finally reached a decision. 
I've followed numerous paths (nursing, accounting, business), have worked in numerous fields (nursing, administration, retail), and have come to the conclusion of what I want to be/do.. Are you ready..?

A police officer. 

But.. As an unfit lifetime uni student, that's not happening anytime soon, so the conclusion I have come to?
 I will be studying a Bachelor of Business over 2 years, while I kick my 102kg, 5'8 body into gear and move from morbidly obese, to fit.
I believe to lose the weight in a healthy manner, it will take approximately a year to lose the weight, and a year to get fit. I'm trying to be realistic here! This blog will be all about my journey. Something I can look back at in the future and think 'Holy Fudge, how did I get that bad!'

A little bit of background, I hear you ask? Well, OK!

I was brought up in a single parent household. My parents divorced when I was about 3, and I stayed with my Mum, a nurse, and my brother. We moved in with my grandparents for about a year, and then moved to our own place, with my older brother who has Aspergers and A.D.D.
I love my family to BITS, even if they drive me a little crazy from time to time.

This is going to be my food diary, kind of. My place to rant about anything I want to, and my place of serenity, to discuss my exercise, basically with myself, as I don't believe I will get an audience, YAY!

So, after all of that... 

Let 'The Great Exercise Experiment' begin!!!!


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