Saturday 13 October 2012

Manic Manners

Today has me thinking a completely un-related fitness/health topic, but about people.

After spending the day with a close friend of mine, and her telling me how she hates rude people, and society is becoming less and less empathetic/sympathetic towards others, and a lot more selfish... It had my thinking. Yes, I agree 100%, but, this was coming from the same friend who doesn't thank people who 'serve' her (waitresses, bartenders, shop assistants), doesn't wave to say thank you to the car behind that lets her out, and tells me to shut up, because she doesn't understand my Little Britain reference - 'I want 'dat one!'

Yes, the world is becoming more and more self-centered.. But when did people stop taking a look at themselves, and start projecting onto others? Usually I would have let the 'shut up' thing slide. I avoid confrontation where possible, if I can. This time, I told her exactly how I felt.
I can only count the amount of times this has happened on one hand, really.
One that sticks in my mind is where I was talking to a guy from my hometown, I liked him, he liked me.. I was always honest with him, because I liked him. On one occasion, he called me a 'blunt bitch'. This did not go down so well. I believe I actually hung up on him.
Yes, I may have been a little blunt in regards to the topic, but in my books, that's no reason to call someone a bitch. I was over the situation in about 5 minutes, and asked him how he would react if someone said that to his little sister, which he ignored. After that, the friendship was never the same, and we stopped talking, and... *shock, horror!* I  unfriended him on Facebook.

I've been given grief before by the friend mentioned earlier for doing this, removing people off Facebook who I don't speak to anymore, or don't want contact with. I also delete texts and contacts I no longer need/actually contact. This is seen as weird by her, this also being the same girl who has texts from about 4 boyfriends ago... Her reasoning being 'You don't have to be friends, but what if you need a favour?'.
My reply?
'Why would I want a favour from someone I don't consider a friend?'

I think sometimes people need to have a good hard look at themselves. Good, old fashioned manners are declining rapidly, and I think that some people need a kick in the arse.
Give up your seat for someone else, your legs won't drop off.
Smile! It doesn't take much, and uses less muscles than frowning.
Say 'Thank you!'. Just that simple gesture can make someone elses day do a complete 180.

And after that little rant...

So continues, The Great Fitness Experiment.


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