Tuesday 16 October 2012

Tired & Sore...

YAY! I nearly had a 100% 'clean' eating day! I had 2 slip ups, but did really well the rest of the day, and went walking this morning and did the DVD tonight. Also drank about 2L of water :D

The walk was pretty uneventful. I ended up getting pains in the side of my calf and knee pain, but walked throught it! I googled the calf pains to see if there were any stretches I could do. Apparently it was oxygen deprivation of my calf muscle... So if anyone knows any different, let me know!
I used a Zombie app (bit of a zombie freak here) that uses your home as base, and I'm guessing since this one doesn't talk like the Iphone one, and on your way back have to avoid zombies.

My legs hurt, my knee hurts, my hips hurt.. But I'm NOT giving up on this!!

Have showered & off to bed now. Looking forward to a brand new day :) (and Movie World on the weekends with my boyfriend - YAY!!

Night all,


Monday 15 October 2012


So, just finished my very first workout of the experiment! Jillian Michaels, and oh my god!. I'm sweating, my legs are shaking, my heart rate is up.. And the first part only took 20 minutes! I like workouts like that :)
I had to change some of the exercises. Yes Jillian, everyone can do jumping jacks, but I might take it easy on my first time, since my knees have been aching today ;). Am just about to get into my physio exercises whilst watching crappy TV, then bed!

Water intake for the day - approx 2L, but will drink more after blogging. Workout has left me thirsty!
I did *gasp* cheat today food-wise.
I know! First day.. And I've cheated all ready? But, this is a lifestyle change, not a diet.. So it will take time.. And it was my birthday cake!

I don't know if anybody is reading this.. But wow.. I'm excited for what's to come!

Goodnight, all!


Sunday 14 October 2012


YAY!! So, today was my 24th birthday. Hip hip hooray, am I right!?

Have had a super busy day, yet was relaxed at the same time.. Slept in, lunch with friends, dinner with family. Fairly 'intimate' setting, really. I loved it :) I'm used to having some kind of dinner for my birthdays in the past with family, friends, extended friends..
This year it was the people I spend most of my time with, 2 of my favourite friends, and my Mum and brother (my partner was unable to make it down, as he works away).

This beautiful day was topped off by the most amazing cake, made by Mum, who is a fan-TASTIC nurse/clothing designer/sewer and now, cake maker.

Le' cake!!!
Le' Babuska candles!!!

Tomorrow begins my whole new lifestyle. I plan on losing the weight quickly, in a healthy way (of course), and taking it one step at a time.
Tomorrow.. Technically today now, I begin with eating breakfast, increasing water intake, and exercising!! I have some 20 minute DVD from one of the 'Biggest Loser' trainers that I think will make a good start.

***Something I didn't mention in my introduction - I actually have really bad knees (have dislocated both kneecaps twice), and a bad back due to the size of my 'boobage', so some exercises are more difficult for me. I have exercises from my physio to strengthen weak muscle and loosen tight ones, but am not allowed to bike or run for exercise and have to limit walking until I strengthen these muscles.
I think that doing the strengthening exercises, plus the 20 minute video should be ok. Will see how I go and report back!

If this doesn't work, I may try yoga... Stretching... Pretending to be a turtle on my back.. We'll see!

Until tomorrow, cyber world!


Saturday 13 October 2012

Manic Manners

Today has me thinking a completely un-related fitness/health topic, but about people.

After spending the day with a close friend of mine, and her telling me how she hates rude people, and society is becoming less and less empathetic/sympathetic towards others, and a lot more selfish... It had my thinking. Yes, I agree 100%, but, this was coming from the same friend who doesn't thank people who 'serve' her (waitresses, bartenders, shop assistants), doesn't wave to say thank you to the car behind that lets her out, and tells me to shut up, because she doesn't understand my Little Britain reference - 'I want 'dat one!'

Yes, the world is becoming more and more self-centered.. But when did people stop taking a look at themselves, and start projecting onto others? Usually I would have let the 'shut up' thing slide. I avoid confrontation where possible, if I can. This time, I told her exactly how I felt.
I can only count the amount of times this has happened on one hand, really.
One that sticks in my mind is where I was talking to a guy from my hometown, I liked him, he liked me.. I was always honest with him, because I liked him. On one occasion, he called me a 'blunt bitch'. This did not go down so well. I believe I actually hung up on him.
Yes, I may have been a little blunt in regards to the topic, but in my books, that's no reason to call someone a bitch. I was over the situation in about 5 minutes, and asked him how he would react if someone said that to his little sister, which he ignored. After that, the friendship was never the same, and we stopped talking, and... *shock, horror!* I  unfriended him on Facebook.

I've been given grief before by the friend mentioned earlier for doing this, removing people off Facebook who I don't speak to anymore, or don't want contact with. I also delete texts and contacts I no longer need/actually contact. This is seen as weird by her, this also being the same girl who has texts from about 4 boyfriends ago... Her reasoning being 'You don't have to be friends, but what if you need a favour?'.
My reply?
'Why would I want a favour from someone I don't consider a friend?'

I think sometimes people need to have a good hard look at themselves. Good, old fashioned manners are declining rapidly, and I think that some people need a kick in the arse.
Give up your seat for someone else, your legs won't drop off.
Smile! It doesn't take much, and uses less muscles than frowning.
Say 'Thank you!'. Just that simple gesture can make someone elses day do a complete 180.

And after that little rant...

So continues, The Great Fitness Experiment.


Friday 12 October 2012


So, first day of a whole new eating regime? Want to know how well that went? I can sum it up with one photo...

Yeah. Not that well.

It's my birthday this Sunday. The big 24!! This was posted in the mail from my bestfriend down north, and oh my God, I was like a kid on Christmas!!.
Tomorrow I plan to start Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, to try and burn off some of the chocolate overload.

I've been thinking today, 24 isn't a big milestone technically, but I feel like since I graduated in 2005, it's taken me this long to basically get my shit together, so to speak.
I'm finally becoming ok with my own company, and have realised I can't trust everybody, but I need to trust someone. And I do. I've opened myself up to a select few like I never have in the past, and have been completely honest with those I need to. Yes, I realise this might leave me open to getting burnt, as I have in the past, but you can't go through life wondering 'what if'. 

And on that note, so continues... The Great Exercise Experiment...


Thursday 11 October 2012

The Beginning...

Evening/morning/afternoon... To all who happen to stumble across this blog! As the name describes, this is The Great Fitness Experiment!! 
What does that mean, I hear you ask. Read along, join me on my 'journey', and you shall find out...

My name is Erin, and I'm 24 years old, as of the 14th of October. 
I still live at home (don't hate!) and have a fur baby of my very own, Max
I am... *sigh*... A lifetime student. Or so it feels that way. It's taken me approximately 7 years to decide on the course of my life, and I feel like I have finally reached a decision. 
I've followed numerous paths (nursing, accounting, business), have worked in numerous fields (nursing, administration, retail), and have come to the conclusion of what I want to be/do.. Are you ready..?

A police officer. 

But.. As an unfit lifetime uni student, that's not happening anytime soon, so the conclusion I have come to?
 I will be studying a Bachelor of Business over 2 years, while I kick my 102kg, 5'8 body into gear and move from morbidly obese, to fit.
I believe to lose the weight in a healthy manner, it will take approximately a year to lose the weight, and a year to get fit. I'm trying to be realistic here! This blog will be all about my journey. Something I can look back at in the future and think 'Holy Fudge, how did I get that bad!'

A little bit of background, I hear you ask? Well, OK!

I was brought up in a single parent household. My parents divorced when I was about 3, and I stayed with my Mum, a nurse, and my brother. We moved in with my grandparents for about a year, and then moved to our own place, with my older brother who has Aspergers and A.D.D.
I love my family to BITS, even if they drive me a little crazy from time to time.

This is going to be my food diary, kind of. My place to rant about anything I want to, and my place of serenity, to discuss my exercise, basically with myself, as I don't believe I will get an audience, YAY!

So, after all of that... 

Let 'The Great Exercise Experiment' begin!!!!
